Friday, April 25, 2008

A Fashion Show I attended.

Fun, fun, and more fun. The exhibit was from February 22 - April 20, 2008 at the Palos Verdes Art Center

Beckstrand & Walker Galleries


"Art doesn’t only hang on the wall or sit on pedestals. It also finds expression in the clothing, jewelry and accessories with which people adorn their bodies. This is wearable art—art that combines aesthetics and function as it adds a fourth dimension of animation and personal expression, through the movements of the people wearing it.

The best in wearable art from around the world is on display in Wearable Expressions, the Palos Verdes Art Center’s sixth biennial international juried wearable art exhibition....."

Presented "Off the Wall and On the Runway" I took lots of pictures because I was mesmerized by the imagination and creativity of artists from around the world.

My friend Ellen has these slide shows on her blog and I like them when there are so many pictures to share. If you see a picture that you want to see just click on it and a bigger version is available. Pretty slick.