Monday, September 18, 2006

Instant Gratification

I love patterns that download in a pdf file! I don't mind paying but because it's a pdf file I think it should be slightly cheaper. I know how much work must go into writing a pattern and publishing it. No easy task! My hat off to all you designers who write it down test it out and publish it!

I love the convenience of a downloadable pdf file! It is so convenient and quick, no muss no fuss you can purchase it at any time and if I can pay with either my credit card or PayPal, how easy is this? I think making it available mail order or a book is fine too but it is just not as fast as I would like it. I hope all the designers are listening out there! Besides think of all the paper it saves! The trees do not have to be cut down it's good for the earth.

There are some designers who only make their patterns available as kits, like Hanne Falkenberg and some others, although Hanne has the nicest designs I think. This is what works for her so she keeps doing what works. It keeps her patterns "exclusive" because her kits are a bit pricey. Although when you figure it all out they are not that bad, by the time you figure out the gauge and the colors and finding it at a reasonable price you could have knitted the sweater already. Hanne only sells her private label wool and I must say it is a bit scratchy. The kits are easier to figure out for the "gauge" etc. and hopefully you have just the right amount of yarn in the right colors and weight. I'm all for kits, I think it is a good way to go.

I also love Audible's downloadable books on "tape" I guess they are really not on tape but most of us got used to identifying books in an audio format on tape recordings. I love the convenience of the internet. Instant gratification is my motto... I shop online and pay my bills online as much as I can. Shopping online is great, I don't have to go anywhere park my car look for that specific thing I'm looking for, perhaps dealing with a "not so bright" sales person who has no idea what I'm talking about. (That is a whole other entry on sales people who do not have any idea about the products they sell.) This too is good for the earth.

So pdf files for knitting patterns, MP3 files for audio, keep them coming! I love my gadgets, my computer, my iPods and I want what I want when I want it darn it.... it's all about instant gratification....

For books Audible

Hanne Falkenberg designs

There is a Hanne Falkenberg "Knitalong" lots of fans out there.

Apple iPods & iTunes

1 comment:

Susan Wike said...

I don't understand why all designers don't use the PDF download or at least send the patterns by e-mail. It's so much easier and cheaper. Plus there's that instant gratification for the buyer!!!!