What is Swing Knitting? It's new to me, but of course there is nothing new in knitting but I've never seen this technique before. I just got back from Phoenix from TNNA (The National Needle Arts Association) a trade show for fiber and yarn etc. I think they are missing an A in their acronym but maybe I'm being a bit picky.
The Skacel booth offered a "mini class" in this technique. Brigitte Elliott was teaching it and Skacel very generously gave us an Addi Turbo Lace needle (beautiful to knit with), yarn & pattern to knit a little hat.
Here is what it supposed to look like and below is my version. But a wonderfully fun knit either if you follow the exact pattern or swing on your own as a free form project.
Here is the wonderful project Brigitte knit with Kauni yarn. The colors and the dance was wonderful!
And of course I'm trying to master this and adapt it to my style and here is my little "wrist cuff" I designed.
I very carefully wrote down this pattern and will publish it I promise.