Falling in love with Lucy,
It was love at first sight but we took this puppy on a trial basis, two weeks to see how things go. We have to consider "The Bitch" who has never liked any other dog and barely tolerated even her brother. We always have more than one dog so she is going to have to get used to the idea.
I was in love the moment she snuggled up to me and did not seem to want to let go. For her she seemed to sense that she had a "sucker" and that I would take care of her and protect her. She is all of 5 pounds and the world must look GIANT to her and she is only 4 months old so she is just a baby.
First trip to the pet store to buy a new leash and harness and some chewy toy and some nibbles the Bitch likes. Oh yeah and a crate, she is not house broken and so small that she may need the protection of a crate. Lucy has red hair so I got a green leash & harness that we tried on at the store, cute as could be. Very alert and curious but cautious.
Our first night she spent in the crate without a peep out of her and she slept through the night music to any new moms ears. That was the biggest hurdle how we get through the nights, but she is great, she goes in the crate and kind of feels safe and tucked in and actually likes it in there.
Sunday my dh and I took her to the pet store to get her a name tag, I guess she is here to stay. Oh lets get her a new toy and a leather collar the tag goes on and yeah more "chewies" for her to chew on and let's not forget vitamins oh and shampoo she needs a bath. I'll make an appointment at the vets for a baby check up too ...... I think that should do it.
On the way home this was the conversation.
Me: Oh she is soooo cute!
DH: Yeah
Me: And she is sooo quiet!
DH: I would prefer that she would bark!
Me: This is not a barking dog! So she does not bark, nobody's perfect.
DH: I've never heard of a non barking dog, maybe one of those Besenji's but she is a small terrier she is supposed to be "yappie".
Me: Well she is unique she just squeeks.
We are driving home and Lucy is sound asleep in my lap and I am about to fall asleep too.
Me: Being a new mom is exhausting.
DH: Being a new father is expensive.